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happy birthday!

things that are neither intended nor planned,
some of which we find lucky

among the things unintended
drawn to you was most unexpected

among the things never planned
making that trip to london was most splendid

things that are purely abstract,
sometimes become the most concrete hurdles

wish that i could transcend time and space
stroking your hair right now, next to you

and whisper "good night"

'보고싶은' 카테고리의 다른 글

벌써  (0) 2009.05.16
그리움의 세포는  (1) 2009.05.09
오늘 아침 보내온 사진..  (4) 2009.04.14
함께 할 수 없다면 의미가 없으..  (10) 2008.12.16
유붕자원방래.2  (4) 2008.12.16